Corrosion Resistance Rubber lining

Corrosion Resistance Rubber lining

Rubber lining is an application method that protects the interior or exterior surfaces of pipes, tanks, and other similar vessels from corrosion. Metals that house liquids are prone to corrosion which is why rubber lining is done to enhance resistance against this natural process.

We had team of skilled technicians & manpower to take up the job at our factory & at Client Site.

Varuna industries is one of the leading manufacture & supplied MSRL Tanks, Vessels & Rubber lining Equipment in central India.

We can Manufacture, Rubber lined & Supply equipment.

  • DM Water Treatment & Effluent treatment Plant
  • Ore Beneficiation & Processing Plant
  • Pickling & Electrolytic steel Plant.
  • Ash Slurry Handling & Process Plant
  • Chemical & Explosive Industries.

Type of Equipment Rubber lined.

Acid Stoarge Tank, ION Exchanger Vessel, Anion Cation Vessles.

Filtration Tank, Flourine Scrubber, Fume Scrubber, Cyclone Separators.

Specialized Polymer Fabrication

Varuna Industries is having facilities to undertake the fabrication of PP, PVC, lined tanks, and other equipment for electroplating and other chemical industries.
We can fabricate and supply.

  • PP Tank
  • Acid Fume Scrubbers
  • Centrifugal Fans in Plastic
  • PP Pumps for handling acids and corrosive chemicals

We Provide The Best Service In Industry

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